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January 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt, Bob Callahan, Leslie Tuttle
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Department of Parks & Recreation, Jason Silva (Salem YMCA), Hope Watt-Bucci (North Shore Pride), Ann Sousa (Salem Common Neighborhood Association), Dominc Serino & Robert Pelletier (Boy Scouts), Katie Duffey, Recreation Supervisor, Councillor David Eppley, Councillor Robert McCarthy

Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:48pm

Callahan motions to approve the minutes and Burke seconds.  Approved unanimously

Callahan nominates Burke for Chair, 2nd by Everitt.  Approved unanimously.
Tuttle nominates Everitt for Vice Chair and Callahan seconds. Approved unanimously.

Chair Burke recognizes Councilor Eppley who’s concerned about the Splaine Park fence.  

Partanen introduced Katie Duffey as the new Recreation Supervisor.


YMCA – Salem YMCA (Camp Naumkeag) & YMCA-Forest River Pool – Jason Silva & Charity Lezama

Entering 1st option year at Camp Naumkeag.  Serves 750-1,000 kids each year.  Capital needs need to be address and asking for the Commission to put out an RFP so the Y can make a longer term commitment.  

Callahan asked if Silva was interested in long-term capital improvements to the site.  Silva stated that he wants a longer term lease.  Tuttle asked how long he wanted and Silva said 10 years would be ideal.  Shea asked if would be 10 years plus 3 years (option years).  Shea asked if Silva knows what the structural needs are. Silva stated that he’s got that his staff has gone over the facility and have listed the main needs.

Shea asked about cost and Silva stated he hasn’t done the investigation yet.  Burke asked about the use of the site. Silva responded that they use it on the weekdays and they have a care taker and the City rents in on the weekends.  Callahan clarified that they’re interested in making capital improvements for a 10 year lease.   Partanen stated that if the Commission is ok with it, the City Council will need to approve it.  Silva is willing to put an inventory together and bring it back to the Commission.  Callahan stated that the programs the Y run there are great for the City of Salem.  Partanen commented that Park and Recreation would need to do the review and put together the details for an RFP.  Callahan suggested Silva work with Partanen to move forward.  

Callahan motions to extend the 1 year lease for the summer and for Partanen to get the process of the RFP to move along. Shea seconds and it passes unanimously.

In regards to Forest River Pool, Silva discussed the possibility of taking over the management of the pool, especially since they’re very good at this.  Silva feels this would be a natural way to partner with the City.  Silva stated that there are many benefits, including pool management, lessons, community involvement. There is a proposal that’s been given to the Commission.  Burke asked about seasonal passes and Partanen stated that we really don’t make money on the passes.  She added that the proposal says it’s about $82,000 to run it and make some money above that.  Callahan suggested to Silva a combined RFP for both Camp Naumkeag and Forest River.  Silva was amenable to that.

Shea suggests the RFPs be separated.  Shea asked Partanen about the cost and she responded that it costs over $100,000 to run.  Shea asked about the hours and Lezama commented that they’d stay basically the same and that nothing would change.  Shea asked about the hires and Lezama asked about keeping that for Salem kids and she agreed.  Partanen asked if YMCA members would have access to the pool and Silva responded that this would be the same as it is right now with no change with all the added benefits of having the YMCA run it.  Shea asked how come the YMCA wants to run the pool and Silva stated that they want to get out more into the community and that the taking over of the management piece gives more back to Park & Recreation.  Callahan asked about maintenance and Park & Recreation would be responsible for major repairs.  

Callahan asked if the YMCA would be using the pool for any YMCA programs and Lezama responded that no, not under this proposal.  The Commission asked Councillor McCarthy for his opinion.  He stated that he was concerned about staffing at the various locations and Silva responded that it was in the proposal.  Lezama added that the life guards would be up to the YMCA standards.  Shea wants to examine this further before voting on this.

Callahan suggested the matter be tabled to the February meeting.   Tuttle commented that it might be a good idea to get the RFP going and Partanen said if it gets delayed, the RFP would end up for next year since hiring is about to start.  Lezama commented that if this gets passed and approved, they could get this going up to May.

Everitt motions that Partanen put an RFP up to bid and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

North Shore Pride – Hope Watts-Bucci

Following up to the adjunct request regarding a beer & wine tent at the North Shore Pride event at the Salem Common.  Commented that her group has fewer sponsors than major road races. Watts-Bucci commented that this is their 3rd year with this event and they’ve gotten good feedback about their event.  She commented that the Salem Common Neighborhood Association has expressed concerns that a beer tent would impact the ability of local businesses to get more customers.  The festival is from 1pm-4:30 and 2 after parties are around 5-10pm.  Watts-Bucci  wants to propose a cordoned off area that doesn’t allow for removal of alcohol on premises.  North Shore Pride would be responsible for the extra police detail for the event.  North Shore Pride is going to increase its family oriented activities, all in a separate area, away from the beer tent.  Watts-Bucci added that they’re proposing to do the same type of beer tent in the same location as the bike race.  They’re concerned if people leave the location, they’re going to lose vendors and they’ve only had a 30% vendor return rate from last year.  Their mission is education and advocacy for LGBT people on the North Shore and Watts-Bucci  stressed that they’ve been very successful in their mission.  Added that 50% of their vendors are nonprofits providing information.  Their police expense for 2013 was $2,200 and for 2014, the total expense for the event is $30,000. They see this event as a way to raise money to support their mission.  In 2014, they are planning to provide monetary support to organizations.

Ann Sousa, President of the Salem Common Neighborhood Association.

Sousa read the prepared statement from the SCNA.  

Callahan asked Watts-Bucci about the size of the tent.  Watts-Bucci commented that it would be a canopy tent with a roped off area.  

Tuttle asked if there would be drinking on the Common and Sousa said no.  

Shea asked Watts-Bucci if they will limit the number of drinks and she said it was ok. Watts-Bucci added that they recycle all the cans and trash after the event.  She also stated that the event brings in a lot of revenue into the City of Salem.

Shea motions for approval and Callahan seconds. Passes Unanimously.

Eagle Scouts-Service Project – Dominic Serino & Rob Pelletier

Talked about wanting to do a service project for his Eagle Scout project at Fort Lee. Wants to do restoration of trails and various areas to improve accessibility.  Another part of the project is designing and organizing a community group “Friends of Fort Lee” to continue the upkeep & maintenance of the site.  His plan is to clear the overgrown vegetation to get through the trails as well as move trash and debris.  Wants to re-expose the stairs and paths. His volunteers have expressed interest in this project, both from the community and his Boy Scout troupe, past his Eagle Scout project.  Dominic Pangallo would work to get the brush taken away once it’s cleared.   Working with Rob Pelletier to oversee safety of the project.  The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) handles all insurance for projects like this.

Burke asked Serino if he’s looking for the Commission’s approval for the project, and he stated that he was.  Shea thanked Serino for his willingness to do this project. Callahan commented that he thinks Serino will do a good job on this project. McCarthy thanked Serino and is glad to help in any way on this project.  

Shea motions to approve and Tuttle seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Seafood Festival/Fiesta Shows – Jude David & Eugene Dean

They want to bring a world class seafood festival to the Willows on the weekend of July 11th-13th, 2014 and would be made up the local restaurants in the area.  David stated that they’ve been doing this type of event at Hampton Beach and they want to re-create it at the Willows.  Commented that the event is very family friendly and will have demonstrations with local restaurant chefs.  There will also be an arts and crafts activity area and on games and other activities.  They will have a beverage area that will be sectioned off.  Average demographic is 40-50 year olds with families.   Interested in doing fireworks off a barge and a flash mob and other various types of entertainment.  They’re taking on the cost of putting on the event.  Proposing an admission fee of $5.00 for adults with children free with a portion of that amount going to Parks & Recreation and/or the Willows for whatever the Commission sees fit. Layout is designed to respect the public access.  Parking and shuttle would be available on site and at the Bentley School.

Shea asked if they contacted the Willows vendor association and David responded that it was suggested to meet with the Commission first.  Also asked if David consulted with the City Councillor (McCarthy) about the event.  Shea suggested she talk with the vendors and talk with Councillor McCarthy.  Callahan is concerned with cutting off certain areas of Willows. He’s also concerned with there being non-seafood items.  David stated that they open up the vendor slots to local restaurants first and that it’s necessary for them to serve seafood items.  

Tuttle is concerned about the parking and access on a busy summer weekend.

Shea asked what the compensation would be and David stated it would be a percentage of the admission fee.

Callahan asked if they’ve looked at Leslie’s Retreat Park, which is underutilized. The downside is there is limited parking.  David asked about the issues, and Callahan said that it would be much easier and has the same area as the Willows.  Burke stated that to make this profitable, they’ll need more parking and shuttle service.

Burke asked Councillor McCarthy what he thought of the matter and McCarthy responded that he’d read the proposal and stresses that the vendors need to be talked with first and then take it from there.  Added that The Willows hasn’t had fireworks in a long time and thinks that would be a great draw.  McCarthy is concerned with how to keep the participants out of the neighborhoods for parking after dealing with problems with some of the road races. McCarthy stated that this is an exciting opportunity for the City and that it has to be managed right.  Suggests David pitch it to the vendors and work on the management plan.

Burke asked how many liquor licenses will be needed and David responded that it would be them and it would be the one area.

Burke asked them to come back next meeting to update the Commission on their progress.

Forest River Park – Kyle Leonard – Absent

Splaine Park – Raymond Cruddas

Concerned about safety of children at the park. Asking for the Commission to have a fence put in and they will help pay for it.  It would be 4 feet high with entrance/exits.

Burke commented that the plan has changed a lot and stated that the CVS owners are not interested in an entrance to CVS.  The plan is to put a fence in right field to protect the right field and no fence in left for aesthetic reasons. Burke commented that Councillor Siegel is for the new fence.

Burke commented that the Commission should have a more presentation from whoever’s building the fence.  Tuttle asked about access points for non-game time play.

Shea motions to approve the 4 foot fence with sharing the cost with the Salem Little League. Callahan seconds the motion. Passes Unanimously.

Shea asked Partanen to have the Moose Applicant come to the next meeting.

Superintendent’s Report

Steve O’Grady – dates are open

Motioned and approved. Passes unanimously.

Culture Fest – Mammadou

Motioned and approved. Passes unanimously.

Review monthly revenue reports

Everything is ok.

Road Race Fee Vote

Wants to make sure the Commission is ok with the process.  A $200 application is submitted, with a $150 fee for nonprofits.  Fees can be waived with approval of Park & Recreation.  

Shea motions to approve. Everett seconds. Passes unanimously.

Parks & Facility

Olde Salem Greens Concession

Side Kim wants to continue and have their fee waived. Shea suggested giving him 50% off.  Partanen commented that we pay utilities and that Park & Recreation needs to get its expenses met. Tuttle asked about how staffing was handled and Partanen responded that communication needs to improve with the staff and Side Kim.

Shea motions that Side Kim has another year. Seconded by Everitt.  Passes Unanimously.

Mack Park House Update

Will cost $25,000 to make the house habitable. The house has been added to the insurance at approximately a $100 per year.

Shea motions to go forward with the improvements and Everitt seconds.

Forest River Roof

$10,000 for a new roof and there’s $5,000 in the bank already for that.  Shea motioned  to accept and offered to consult on that.  Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Golf Fees

Callahan motions to keep the fees the same.  Shea seconds. Passes Unanimously.

Winter Island Fees

Callahan motions to keep the fees the same.  Shea seconds. Passes Unanimously.

Adjournment at 8:54pm

Next Meeting February 18, 2014